Document downloads - Documents, plans, strategies and policies
Available downloads
Arts and Culture Policy 2012–17 - Cardinia Shire Council
The Arts and Culture Policy suite 2012–17 is made up of 3 documents which are used to guide arts and cultural programming, events and activities that strengthen and celebrate our community.
2016–17 Council Budget - Cardinia Shire Council
The 2016–17 budget was formally adopted by Council on the 26 April 2016 and aims to reflect the needs, expectations and aspirations of our community and balance the needs of a growing population.
2016 Council Plan - Cardinia Shire Council
The Council Plan sets out a medium to long-term vision for how we will respond to the opportunities and challenges facing Cardinia Shire.
2015–16 Annual Report - Cardinia Shire Council
The official report of Cardinia Shire Council's operations and performance during 2015–16.
Waste and recycling guide
This guide has information on how to present your bins, check your waste collection days, what you can and can't put in your bins as well as our waste reduction rebates, drop-off options and more.
Connect Summer 2016-17 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Summer 2016-17 edition features the Council election results, summer fun event and activity calendar lift-out, and tips to prepare for the fire season.
Planning permit application T160760 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 1 George Road, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T160249 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning application for 3165 Princes Hwy, Bunyip
Application for planning permit T160712 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning application for 13 Daley Court, Beaconsfield
Application for planning permit T160688 - Cardinia Shire Council
Application for 1 George Road, Cockatoo
Planning application guide - Cardinia Shire Council
Guide to completing an application for a planning permit in Cardinia Shire.
Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategy 2017 - Cardinia Shire Council
Cardinia Shire Council Pedestrian and Bicycle Strategy 2017
Open Space Strategy
Our Open Space Strategy provides a framework for us to plan, deliver and maintain open spaces that meet the current and future needs of our community.
Waste guidelines for developers
The waste management guidelines provide detailed advice to developers on waste collection for new residential, commercial and mixed-use developments within Cardinia Shire.
Gembrook Rural Review - Cardinia Shire Council
In the late 1980s dieldrin contamination and potato cyst nematode led to the decline of Gembrook’s potato growing industry. A review was conducted to identify options for the future of the industry.
Standard drawings - Cardinia Shire Council
Download our standard drawings if you are designing and constructing roads and civil infrastructure for Cardinia Shire Council.
Maternal and Child Health centre locations and opening hours 2022 - Cardinia Shire Council
Opening hours as of 1st June 2023
Community Local Law 2024 - Cardinia Shire Council
Community Local Law 2024 came into effect 1 August 2024, replacing Local Law 17.
Major equipment grant information pack - Cardinia Shire Council
The MEG Program sits under the Community Capital Works Grants Program and aims to support Recreation Reserve Committees of Management to purchase major equipment items.
Temperature record templates - Cardinia Shire Council
It is a requirement under the Food Act that all Food Safety Program temperature records are kept up-to-date, accurate and are on site at all times.
Southern Brown Bandicoot - Cardinia Shire Council
Bandicoot shelters must be constructed from untreated pine planks fastened into a rectangular frame with a partition in the middle to form two chambers
Arts and cultural facilities feasibility study - Cardinia Shire Council
The 2015 Arts and Cultural Facilities Feasibility study looks at the facilities currently available, the needs of the arts and cultural community and makes recommendations for future facilities.
Connect Autumn 2016 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Autumn 2016 edition features great upcoming events around the shire, the revamped youth outreach service, movie ticket offer, and Officer's new family centre.
Connect Autumn 2016 audio files - Cardinia Shire Council
Audio files for the Autumn 2016 edition featuring great upcoming events around the shire, the revamped youth outreach service, movie ticket offer, and Officer's new family centre.
Connect Summer 2016–17 audio files - Cardinia Shire Council
Audio files for the Summer 2016–17 edition featuring the Council election results, summer fun event and activity calendar lift-out, and tips to prepare for the fire season.
Connect Winter 2016 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Winter 2016 edition features a new partner initiative confronting family violence in the shire, an introduction to the new-look rates notice, 2016-17 Budget facts, and upcoming local events.
Connect Winter 2016 large print - Cardinia Shire Council
The Winter 2016 edition features a new partner initiative confronting family violence in the shire, an introduction to the new-look rates notice, 2016-17 Budget facts, and upcoming local events.
Connect Winter 2016 audio files - Cardinia Shire Council
Audio files for the Summer 2016–17 edition featuring great upcoming events around the shire, the revamped youth outreach service, movie ticket offer, and Officer's new family centre.
Connect Summer 2016–17 large print - Cardinia Shire Council
The Summer 2016-17 edition features the Council election results, summer fun event and activity calendar lift-out, and tips to prepare for the fire season.
Connect Autumn 2016 large print - Cardinia Shire Council
The Autumn 2016 edition features great upcoming events around the shire, the revamped youth outreach service, movie ticket offer, and Officer's new family centre.
Connect Summer 2015-16 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Summer 2015-16 edition features upcoming events around the shire, ward news, heat health tips, Council's energy efficiency upgrades, fire preparation and Relay for Life.
Connect Summer 2015-16 large print - Cardinia Shire Council
The Summer 2015-16 edition features upcoming events around the shire, ward news, heat health tips, Council's energy efficiency upgrades, fire preparation and Relay for Life.
Connect Summer 2015-16 audio files - Cardinia Shire Council
The audio files for Summer 2015-16 edition features upcoming events around the shire, ward news, heat health tips, Council's energy efficiency upgrades, fire preparation and Relay for Life.
Emerald Lake Precinct Strategic Plan - Cardinia Shire Council
We adopted the Emerald Lake Strategic Plan in February 2020. It provides strategic direction through the allocation of budget and resources.
Application for planning permit T160845 - Cardinia Shire Council
Application for 109 Hall Road, Pakenham South
Application for planning permit T160650 - Cardinia Shire Council
Application for Clematis Park Road, Clematis
Aspirational Energy Transition Plan 2014–24 - Cardinia Shire Council
Our Aspirational Energy Transition Plan sets the 2024 targets of zero net emissions for our operations and a reduction of at least 36% in community emissions on a per capita basis.
Planning Permit Application T160664 - Cardinia Shire Council
Application for 26 McArthur Road, Beaconsfield Upper
Planning permit application T160632 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 2 Curtis Road, Emerald
Planning permit application T160795 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 1-3 Ernest Court, Emerald
Planning permit application T160805 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 105 Boundary Drain Road, Koo Wee Rup
Planning permit application T160626 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 47 Westernport Road, Lang Lang
Planning Permit Application T160541 - Cardinia Shire Council
Application for Lot 1-2 Brisbanes Road, Cockatoo
Planning Permit Application T160772 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning Permit Application for 368 O`Neil Road, Officer
Child and Family Plan 2014-16 - Cardinia Shire Council
Celebrating children aged up to 12 and their families
Indian myna pee gee trap instructions - Cardinia Shire Council
Instructions to trap Indian myna birds using the pee-gee trap.
Indian myna trapping record sheet - Cardinia Shire Council
Use this sheet to record the number of Indian myna birds that have been trapped.
Trapping program terms and conditions - Cardinia Shire Council
The terms and conditions for participating in the Indian myna trapping program, must be signed and submitted to Customer Service at the time of purchasing your trap.
Public notice - sale of impounded stock - Cardinia Shire Council
Impounded from Carlyle St, Pakenham. 1 brown, black and white female goat.
Planning permit application T160580 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 145 Hall Road, Yannathan
Planning permit application T170032 - Cardinia Shire Council
Planning permit application for 185 Monomeith Road, Monomeith
T160829 planning permit application - Cardinia Shire Council
Construction of a second dwelling at the rear of the existing dwelling and alterations and additions to the existing dwelling at 39 Cameron Way, Pakenham
Local indigenous plant nurseries – Cardinia Shire Council
Local indigenous plant nurseries that sell plants listed in Cardinia Shire's indigenous plant guide.
Garfield playground upgrade design options - Cardinia Shire Council
We have received 4 proposed designs for the upgrade of the Garfield Recreation Reserve playground. Community feedback will help us select a design.
Planning Permit Application T160793 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit T160793 - 1 Prince Street Emerald
Planning Permit Application T160751 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application - 38 Portchester Boulevard Beaconsfield
Planning permit application T170020 - Cardinia Shire Council
Subdivision of the land at 1 Carawa Street, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170049 - Cardinia Shire Council
Variation of a covenant at 1 Gwen Meredith Drive, Bunyip
Planning permit application T160741 - Cardinia Shire Council
Alterations and additions to the existing dwelling and construction of an outbuilding at 230 Telegraph Road, Beaconsfield Upper
Planning permit application T170042 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for an outbuilding at 115-117 Old Princes Highway, Beaconsfield
Planning permit application T170022 - Cardinia Shire Council
Buildings and works in the form of extensions and alterations to a dwelling, construction of an outbuilding, and removal of native vegetation at 125 Quamby Road, Guys Hill
Planning Permit Application T160834 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for T160834 - 7 Ambrose Street, Emerald
Planning Permit Application T160646 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for T160646 - 39 Portchester Boulevard, Beaconsfield
Planning Permit Application T160459 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for T160459 - 1/13 Kilvington Drive, Emerald
Planning permit application T160757- Cardinia Shire Council
Construction of a dwelling, associated earthworks and the removal of vegetation at 5 Buckland Lane, Pakenham Upper
Planning permit application T160844 - Cardinia Shire Council
Construction of an outbuilding, associated earthworks and removal of one (1) tree at 6 Gum Street, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T160728 - Cardinia Shire Council
Restricted Place of Assembly with Dwelling and B&B at 2485 Ballarto Road, Cardinia
Planning permit application T160796 - Cardinia Shire Council
Use of the land for a restricted recreation facility (gym) at 74-76 Main Street, Gembrook
Planning permit application T170016 - Cardinia Shire Council
Alteration and addition to existing dwelling at 20 Stone Road North, Gembrook
Planning permit application T170060 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for 4 dwellings at 101 Old Princes Highway, Beaconsfield
Planning permit application T170059 - Cardinia Shire Council
Use of the land for a restricted place of assembly at 17 Main Street, Bunyip
Planning permit application T170094 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for an outbuilding at 2 Belgrave-Gembrook Road, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170140 - Cardinia Shire Council
Construct an outbuilding with a reduced setback at 73 First Avenue, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170028 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for a dwelling and vegetation removal at 16 Haylock Avenue, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T160865 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for an outbuilding and associated earthworks at 945 Toomuc Valley Road, Pakenham Upper
Planning permit application T160771 - Cardinia Shire Council
Subdivision of the land in to 9 lots at 94 Wattletree Road, Bunyip
Planning permit application T170113 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of additions and alterations to the existing Cardinia Cultural Centre building and associated car parking at Cardinia Cultural Centre, 40 Lakeside Boulevard, Pakenham
Planning permit application T170083 - Cardinia Shire Council
Alterations and Extensions to an existing dwelling at 161-163 Stoney Creek Road, Beaconsfield Upper
Planning permit application T160811 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents lots 2 and 3 McBride Road Beaconsfield Upper
Planning permit application T160439 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for T160439 - 90 Soldiers Road Pakenham South
Planning permit application T170103 - Cardinia Shire Council
Use and development of the land for a dwelling and outbuilding at 191 Ure Road, Gembrook
Planning permit application T170030 - Cardinia Shire Council
The development of the land for a dwelling and outbuilding at CA 9, McKays Road, Koo Wee Rup
Planning permit application T170031 - Cardinia Shire Council
The development of the land for a dwelling and outbuilding at 75 Bunyip-Modella Road, Bunyip
Planning permit application T160856 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit T160856 - 8 Westlands Road Emerald
Planning permit application T170150 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170150 - 38 Tynong Road, Tynong
Planning permit application T160446 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising for planning permit application T160446 - 69 Nar Nar Goon Road, Nar Nar Goon
Planning permit application T160597 - Cardinia Shire Council
Three lot boundary re-alignment at 11 Aclare Road, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170018 - Cardinia Shire Council
Re-subdivision of the land in to three (3) lots (boundary re-alignment) at 180 North Yannathan Road, Catani
Cockatoo Community Reserve masterplan - Cardinia Shire Council
Also known as the Alma Treloar Reserve masterplan
Connect Autumn 2017 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Autumn 2017 edition features this year's Australia Day Award winners, the seasonal event and activity calendar lift-out, and the work of the Bless Collective.
Connect Autumn 2017 Large print - Cardinia Shire Council
The Autumn 2017 edition features this year's Australia Day Award winners, the seasonal event and activity calendar lift-out, and the work of the Bless Collective.
Connect Autumn 2017 audio files - Cardinia Shire Council
Audio files for the Autumn 2017 edition features this year's Australia Day Award winners, the seasonal event and activity calendar lift-out, and the work of the Bless Collective.
Planning permit application T160818 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit T160818 - 92-96 Princes Highway, Pakenham
Planning permit application T170073 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit T170073 - Lots 3, 4 & 5 Parker Road, Gembrook
Planning permit application T160526 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160526 - 71 Bald Hill Road, Pakenham
Amended planning permit application T160201-1 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for amended planning permit application T160201-1
Planning permit application T170023 - Cardinia Shire Council
Use and development of garden supplies (landscaping business and associated material sales) at 270 Westernport Road, Lang Lang
Planning permit application T170161 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170161 - 335 McGregor Road, Pakenham
Planning Permit Application T160577 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160577 Lot D Ascot Park Drive, Pakenham
Planning permit application T160851 - Cardinia Shire Council
Realignment of boundaries between five (5) lots at 2020 Princes Highway & 28 Nar Nar Goon Road, Nar Nar Goon
Planning permit application T170074 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170074 - 990 Westernport Road, Yannathan
Planning permit application T170098 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170098 - 230 Toomuc Valley Road, Pakenham
Planning permit application T160705 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for a dwelling extension with a reduced setback at 16 Bellbird Crescent, Emerald
Planning permit application T160705 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160705 - 16 Bellbird Crescent, Emerald
Planning Permit Application T150603 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T150603 - 49 Tynong Road, Tynong
Planning Permit Application T160716 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160716 - 20 & 22 Drovers Place, Pakenham
Planning permit application T170015 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for a dwelling and construction of an outbuilding at 3 Carawa Street, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170183 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of an office at 25 Main Street, Pakenham
Planning permit application T170062 - Cardinia Shire Council
Construction of an outbuilding and associated works at 2 Ravendene Court, Maryknoll
Planning permit application T170174 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for an outbuilding at 1 Halcyon Grove, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T160863 - Cardinia Shire Council
Use and development of the land for a dwelling and associated earthworks and vegetation removal at 9 Harpfield Road, Beaconsfield Upper
Planning permit applcation T170118 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170118 - 19 Steane Street Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170119 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170119 - 10 Gardner Street, Koo Wee Rup
Planning permit application T160690 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising for planning permit application T160690 - 110 Pakenham Road, Pakenham
Planning permit application T160800 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160800 - 34 First Avenue Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170051 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170051 - 120 Edens Road Caldermeade
Planning permit application T170129 - Cardinia Shire Council
The sale and consumption of alcohol at 24 Blackwood Lane, Gembrook
Planning permit application T170154 - Cardinia Shire Council
Alterations and additions to an existing dwelling at 10 Gum Street, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170107 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170107 - 37 St Georges Road, Beaconsfield Upper
Planning permit application T160698 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160698 - 4 Blackwood Lane, Gembrook
Planning Permit Application T160821 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T160821 - 98-102 Station Street, Koo Wee Rup
Planning permit application T170125 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for a carport with a reduced setback at 2 Lawsons Road, Emerald
Planning permit application T170011 - Cardinia Shire Council
Advertising documents for planning permit application T170011 - Road Reserve, Kenilworth Avenue Beaconsfield
Planning permit application T160567 - Cardinia Shire Council
Use of the land for a Transfer Station and Materials Recycling and associated buildings and works and the display of one (1) business identification sign at 305 Snell Road, Nar Nar Goon North
Planning permit application T170025 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for a dwelling and vegetation removal at 18 Amphlett Avenue, Cockatoo
Planning permit application T170091 - Cardinia Shire Council
Construction of an outbuilding and associated earthworks at 330 Garfield North Road, Garfield North
Planning permit application T170004 - Cardinia Shire Council
Development of the land for 2 dwellings at LM PS547240 Henry Road, Pakenham
Planning permit application T040408-1 - Cardinia Shire Council
Amended Permit – Use of the land for a transfer station and materials recycling and associated buildings and works at Lot S Drovers Place, Pakenham
Planning permit application T170166 - Cardinia Shire Council
The realignment of boundaries between two allotments at 410 Dickie Road, Officer
Emerald Museum Committee of Management - position descriptions
Responsibilities and tasks for general committee members, President and Secretary, including museum opening days and times.
Indian myna trapping | list of local vets - Cardinia Shire Council
A list of local veterinary clinics that will euthanaise Indian myna birds
Liveability Plan 2017-29 - Cardinia Shire Council
Cardinia Shire's public health and wellbeing plan.
Connect Winter 2017 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Winter 2017 edition features the Stan Henwood Award winner 2017, a jam-packed season of events, shows and more, and a reader survey with a prize draw!
Connect Winter 2017 large print - Cardinia Shire Council
The Winter 2017 edition features the Stan Henwood Award winner 2017, a jam-packed season of events, shows and more, and a reader survey with a prize draw!
No legs or many: insects and bugs in Cardinia Shire – Cardinia Shire Council
Booklet on insects and other creatures with or without legs that are found in Cardinia Shire Council
Gardens for wildlife fact sheets – Cardinia Shire Council
Information to help you create a low-maintenance, drought tolerant garden that will provide habitat for wildlife.
Beaconsfield Skate Park design workshop consultation summary – Cardinia Shire Council
Beaconsfield Skate Park community design workshop consultation summary
Beaconsfield Skate Park concept design – Cardinia Shire Council
Beaconsfield Skate Park concept design
Health and wellbeing factsheets
Health and wellbeing factsheets for the Social and demographic webpage
Connect Spring 2017 PDF - Cardinia Shire Council
The Spring 2017 edition features the upcoming Seniors Festival event highlights, event and activity guide for Spring, major works and projects across the shire!
Community Capital Works Grants Program - Supporting documents
Information and tools to support community capital works grant program applications.
Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy documents
Cardinia Shire Council's Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy 2017 to 2026 was adopted in December 2017.
Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy (2017–26) Appendices - Cardinia Shire Council
Appendices to the Waste and Resource Recovery Strategy (2017–26)adopted in December 2017
Office Recreation Reserve master plan - Cardinia Shire Council
Master plan of Officer Recreation Reserve which was adopted by Council in March 2012.
Liveability Plan 7 goals - posters
These posters have facts about the 7 key health areas of the Liveability Plan.
Responsible gaming policy - Cardinia Shire Council
Responsible Gaming Policy provides direction to guide council’s decision making processes and response to applications to the Vic. Commission for Gambling Regulation for gaming machines in the region.
O'Neil Road Recreation Reserve Master Plan - Cardinia Shire Council
O'Neil Road Recreation Reserve final Masterplan 2018
Land surveying assistance for bushfire-affected property owners
Assistance available to property owners affected by the Bunyip Complex bushfires
Cardinia Shire Council Music Residency Mentee Expression of Interest - Cardinia Shire Council
Music Residency Mentee Expression of Interest
Resilience projects information flyers - Cardinia Shire Council
Information brochures describing the final outcomes of community resilience projects in the Cardinia Shire.
COVID-19 directory of local relief service providers - Cardinia Shire Council
Updated community relief services directory August 2021
COVID-19 community relief services flyer - Cardinia Shire Council
Updated version of the COVID19 relief services flyer
Active travel - Cardinia Shire Council
Active travel - Liveability domain. Creating walkable environment to encourage physical activity
Education fact sheet - Cardinia Shire Council
Education in relation to health and wellbeing. Education improves outcomes for communities.
Employment fact sheet
Employment provides financial security and fosters personal development and social network. It is integral in health and wellbeing
Digital screen guidelines - Cardinia Shire Council
Council uses digital display screens to promote bookable spaces, services and programs to visitors of the Integrated facilities. All requests are to be submitted via the online form.
Services for Success - Cardinia Shire Council
CSC service attraction philosophy to bring valued service providers to the shire to support the growing communities health and wellbeing.
COVID Safe Plan 2022 - Cardinia Shire Council
COVID Safe Plan for Cardinia Shire Council September 2022
Rates and Charges Financial Hardship Policy
For more information visit
Cardinia Shire Municipal Emergency Managment Extreme Heat SubPlan
Cardinia Shire Council Municipal Emergency Management Extreme Heat SubPlan
COVID-19 facilities and services reopening information pack - Cardinia Shire Council
This document applies to any organisation wishing to resume operations during COVID-19 restrictions in a Council owned and managed building or space, whether operated by Council or a third party.
Cardinia Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee - terms of reference - Cardinia Shire Council
Terms of Reference for the CAIAC outlining the committee purpose, roles and responsibilities of committee members and Council staff and the expression of interest for new full and participating member
Nobelius Heritage Park Conservation Management Plan 2020 - Cardinia Shire Council
Nobelius Heritage Park Conservation Management Plan 2020
Emerald Lake Park Conservation Management Plan 2020 - Cardinia Shire Council
Emerald Lake Park Conservation Management Plan 2020
Community Asset Committee Governance manual - Cardinia Shire Council
Community Asset Committee Governance manual and supporting attachments