Apply for a community capital works partnership grant (Category 2)
Application opening and closing dates
The 2023-2024 grant round is now closed.
- The Community Capital Works Grants Program assists community groups to upgrade community and recreational facilities that are used to strengthen local community networks and support community wellbeing.
- Improvements to facilities funded through this program should complement the Council Plan and seek to boost people’s participation and involvement in their local communities.
Aims of the grants program
- To progressively upgrade the facilities from which community organisations provide services to the community
- To progressively improve facilities that are the primary focus for services or programs that promote local community networks
- To progressively improve facilities that positively contribute to community safety and the wellbeing of residents
- To foster community ownership and management of local facilities.
Grant categories
Category 1: Community capital works grants
Category 2: Community capital works partnership grants
Category 3: Major equipment grants
Webinar recording with some helpful program information (recorded Jan 2022)
Funding information for community capital partnership grants (category 2)
Maximum: $35,000 per project
A funding contribution must also be made by the community group. The contribution amount required is based on the total annual income of the group.
- Up to $5,000 – 10% contribution
- $5,000 – $15,000 – 30% contribution
- $15,000 and above – 50% contribution
The group’s contribution may include:
- Funds sourced from other organisations or non-Cardinia Shire Council grant programs
- Reimbursement for volunteer labour contributing to the project
- Volunteer labour contributions – cannot be used for trades work or other work classed as ‘high risk’. (This includes all work that requires a licensed tradesperson, for example, plumbing or electrical).
About volunteer labour
- If an applicant proposes that particular work be done via volunteer labour, and the proposal is not supported, it is possible that approval may be given for the volunteer labour funding amount requested to go towards hiring a qualified contractor.
- Additional costs incurred above this amount must be covered by the applicant.
About this grants category
Community capital works partnership (category 2) grants
- Grants of up to $35,000 are available for community and recreational facility upgrade works that fall into one of 3 priority areas.
- Community groups manage the works with guidance from Council.
- Community groups must provide a matched funding amount based on their annual income.
Eligibility criteria
Grants will only be awarded to groups or organisations managing public facilities, on Council-owned or Crown land.
Groups and organisations eligible for community capital works grants must:
- be not-for-profit and managed by a volunteer board or committee of management e.g. sporting club, kinder committee, environmental group or be a Community Asset Committee established by Council, or a community Committee of Management established under the Crown Land Reserves Act
- be a committee established by the Council to manage a Community Asset
- be incorporated (if required)
- have adequate public liability insurance (if required)
- have no outstanding grant acquittals or outstanding debts owing to Council
- propose an initiative which will benefit the Cardinia Shire community and be located in Cardinia Shire
- be able to supply financial statements and information as requested
- be able to meet conditions associated with receiving the grant
- demonstrate the proposed activity is consistent with Local, State and Federal regulations
- be able to provide supporting data, when requested, proving that the project is adequately costed.
Organisations that use facilities managed by a committee of management or Community Assest Committee: You must get approval from the committee before you apply for the grant.
Organisations that use facilities on Crown Land: You must get approval from the relevant state government agency before you apply for the grant.
Priority areas for community capital partnership grants (category 2)
All applications will be assessed against these 3 priority areas:
Priority area 1
- Projects that enhance access and inclusion
- Projects that address occupational health and safety and/or regulatory compliance issues.
Priority area 2
- Projects that maintain a facility at an acceptable level for its current use
- Projects that improve facilities that are not fit for current use
Priority area 3
- Projects that upgrade facilities
- Projects relating to facilities that are of an acceptable standard for current use.
Applications must also:
- demonstrate how the local and wider community will benefit from the project
- be consistent with Council plans and priorities
- be consistent with strategic plans for the facility/location
- demonstrate the group’s capacity to deliver the project both from a financial and project management perspective.
Types of projects funded
Projects previously funded include:
- building extensions and improvements
- capital improvements at recreation reserves and sporting facilities
- built-in or fixed equipment installations or portable items which meet best practice standards (for example, playground equipment in kindergartens)
- water tank installations
- solar panels
- bathroom or kitchen renovations
- office or storage room fit-outs
- storage sheds
- flooring upgrades
- access ramps
- arena or oval fencing upgrades
- electronic scoreboard installations.
What won't be funded
- Sporting surface and surrounds maintenance that is funded through maintenance grants provided to Recreation Reserve Committees of Management
- Requests for retrospective funding
- Consultancy fees
- Projects to upgrade privately owned facilities
- Community groups with outstanding debts to Council
- Community groups with unfinished /outstanding CCWG projects
- Portable items where they are not deemed assets of Council
Documents you'll need
Before your community group expresses interest in this grant, please read all documents in the information pack.
Information pack
- Community Capital Works Grants Program – program guide (which includes essential information you will need for your application including the terms and conditions)
- Community Capital Works Grants Program policy
Supporting documents
Information and tools to support applications.
- Community Capital Works Grants Program - volunteer labour kit
- Community Capital Works Grants Program – risk assessment template
- Community Capital Works Grants Program – request for quote for proposed works form
- Community Capital Works Grants Program – project planning template
- Community Capital Works Grants Program – request for building permit advice form
About the application process
The application process has 2 stages.
Stage 1: Expression of interest (EOI) submitted
EOI applications will be assessed by the Community Places Officer in consultation with project support officers from the relevant Council team.
If the EOI is supported: The applicant group is invited to submit requirements for Stage 2.
If the EOI is not supported: Project support officers will work with community groups to provide feedback regarding your application and provide support for future grant opportunities.
Stage 2: Grant applications made by applicant groups with supported EOIs
What you need to include in the application
Details of the proposed project including:
- full costings of the project
- detailed plans
- OH&S and insurance requirements
- proposed timelines, with evidence if the applicant’s capacity to deliver the project within the year
- annual financial statement for the previous 2 financial years, and a bank statement for the past 3 months to show a consistent bank balance in line with the Council prescribed rating scale threshold
- If Section 86 committees (community assets committees) require a loan or donation for the works: Written approval from Council’s Governance team is required. Section 86 committees (community assets committees) cannot enter into loan agreements without Council approval. A formal loan agreement and loan repayment schedule between the committee and the company must be made, to protect the rights of both sides and include).
Applications must:
- demonstrate how the local and wider community will benefit from the project
- be consistent with Council plans and priorities
- be consistent with other relevant regulations
- be consistent with strategic plans for the organisation/group
- be consistent with strategic plans for the facility/location
- be able to demonstrate the capacity to deliver the project both from a financial and project management perspective.
How your application is assessed
All grant applications are reviewed against the priority areas by:
- Council’s Internal Council Cross Divisional Group (ICCDG), comprised of Council staff from different areas of the organisation
- senior managers at Council
- councillors.
To apply for this grant category, please contact the Connected Communites Team at or 1300 787 624
Dispute resolution
- An applicant may lodge a written request to query a grants assessment and request clarification.
- Requests must be made within 4 weeks of receiving the grant outcome notification.
- Requests will receive due consideration and a formal, written response will be provided.
Contact the Connected Communities Team at or 1300 787 624