Bin collection days and how to put your bins out
About our bin services
- Your general rubbish and recycling bins are collected from your property on scheduled days. An optional food and green waste bin service, collected once every 2 weeks, is also available for an annual fee.
- Please follow the rules on this page to make sure your bin gets collected.
Check your bin collection days online Check what goes in each bin
Check your bin collection days online
To check your next bin collection days, start typing your street address below and wait for it to appear in the drop-down field.
- Public holidays: Bins are collected as normal.
- 'Catastrophic' Fire Danger days: Bins won't be collected from bushfire-prone areas such as the Hills, but they'll be collected in the following days (sometimes even weekends) so just put them out as normal.
- Extreme Fire Danger Days: Bins may be collected earlier than usual so make sure they're out the night before.
Tips for using our address checker tool
- Type your street number and street name, then wait for the results (don't add 'Street', 'Avenue', 'Court' etc).
- If you live in a unit or townhouse - type your street address without the unit / townhouse number. For example, "22 Main" instead of "1/22 Main". The bin days will be the same.
- If you can't find your address - try opening the Waste and Recycling layer in our mapping services tool and zoom into the area of your address. The colour will indicate which day of the week your waste / recycling bin is collected. For help, call our friendly customer service team at 1300 787 624.
Printable calendar to track your collections days
- Download and print our blank bin collection calendar
- Type your address into the address car in the above section. Your bin collection days will then be displayed.
- Highlight your recycling collections weeks in yellow and your food and freed waste weeks in gree.
- Put the calendar on your fridge or near the bins as a reminder.
How to put your bins out
Place bins out the night before your collection day.
- Bins must be facing towards the road, with the handle towards your property.
- Do not over fill bins - lid must be able to be closed. Overflowing bins create litter, which can cause contamination. You can squash bulky items such as boxes and containers so you can fit more in your bin.
- Avoid placing bins behind cars and parking in front of bins. If you need to, you can place your bin in your driveway for collection.
- Leave 50 centimetres between each bin, and between bins and other objects.
- Each bin must not weigh over 70 kilograms.
- Bins should be returned to your property within 24 hours of being emptied.
If your property is in a court or T intersection
- Please place bins on the straight section - not in the bowl or 'T'
- Do not park vehicles in court bowl or 'T' on collection day this prevents waste vehicles from being able to turn and can disrupt collection.

Where to place your bins in a T intersection.

Where to place your bin in a court or dead end road.