Rates notices explained

Definitions and explanation of what you see in your rates notice.

Your property's value including site value (land), buildings and other improvements.

This is calculated by dividing the total rates we need for the financial year by the total value of all rateable properties in Cardinia Shire. 

View rates in the dollar for 2024-25

The Victorian State Fire Services Property Levy (FSPL) funds vital fire emergency services.

For all information including how the levy is calculated please go here Victorian Government's Fire Services Property Levy,

Every property with a dwelling pays to have bins collected. This service is compulsory. 

The total cost depends on:

Go to rubbish and recycling charges.

Your property's value including site value (land), buildings and other improvements.

The SV is the value of the land only. It does not include any improvements (such as buildings).

Fixed by Victorian Government legislation to be 5 per cent of the CIV for residential and farmland properties. For commercial or industrial properties it is the estimated annual market rent and cannot be less than 5% of the CIV.

We don’t currently use this value to calculate your rates (we use the CIV). Some agencies use this value to calculate their charges.

In accordance with the Fire Services Property Levy Act 2012, each property is assigned an Australian Valuation Property Classification Code (AVPCC) according to how your land is used (residential, farming, industrial, etc).

It is listed on your rates notice, just below the property details and determines how the levy will be calculated.

You can view the codes here

Find out more here property valuations.

If a concession has been applied to your rates there is a 'stamp' on the front of your annual rates notice. You can apply for a concession discount if you hold a Pensioner Concession Card or Department of Veterans' Affairs Gold Card. Go to rates concessions and rebates

Your rates are calculated differently according to the type of property you own – residential, commercial and industrial, and vacant or unoccupied land etc.

These is the fairest way to determine owners’ rates contributions.

For example, the Urban Residential rate is a higher rate in the dollar than urban fam land. This reflects the greater number of services and facilities in the area, and the higher cost of providing them.

Find out how your rates are calculated.