Mayor and councillors

Meet your elected councillors for 2020 to 2024. 

Mayor and Councillor documents

Mobile: 0439 620 809

Cr Jack Kowarzik is sitting in his mayoral robes

In 2023, I took on the role of Mayor of Cardinia Shire Council, embracing the responsibility with both gratitude and a sense of duty. As a proud resident of Cardinia for nearly two decades, I've observed and been a part of the Shire's growth. Actively engaging with fellow residents, I've sought to amplify the good in our community.

As a Councillor, I prioritise informed decision-making and inclusivity, serving on various committees to address pivotal aspects of governance. Key roles, such as having chaired the Multicultural Advisory Group and being a long-term member of the Audit and Risk Committee, reflect my commitment to supporting our diverse community and financial integrity in local government.

Participation in the Financial Wellbeing Action Team and Together We Can Initiative underscores my dedication to improving financial literacy and vulnerability support services, recognising their impact on residents' lives.

Beyond official duties, my advocacy for local history, community safety, environmental conservation, and meticulous local infrastructure planning highlights my commitment to shaping Cardinia Shire for future generations.

Married with two young sons, I am both a dedicated family man and a business owner. My priorities include supporting residents and families, and ensuring community-driven effectiveness.

I firmly believe that involvement, investment, and a strong work ethic are the foundation of a resilient community. As Mayor, I am dedicated to representing and strongly advocating on behalf of residents, inviting you to connect, share thoughts, and join in building a thriving, inclusive, and well-prepared Cardinia Shire for the future—a legacy we can all be proud of.

Mobile: 0400 167 844

Cr Graeme Moore

I have lived, raised a family and owned and operated a successful engineering business in Nar Nar Goon for the past 36 years. It has been an honour to represent my community as a Cardinia Shire councillor for the past 10 years, including as Mayor on two occasions.

My focus will be on ensuring Bunyip Ward residents have a strong voice in Council, and that the ward receives the funding needed for responsible infrastructure and development, environmental stability and agricultural security for the future. I will also continue to advocate for an improved road and drainage maintenance system, footpath program, and much-needed sports club infrastructure for such a unique and large ward.and I look forward to representing the people of Bunyip Ward during this term.

I’ve always been keen and willing to listen, to identify and address community concerns, and negotiate on the community’s behalf through networking, attending township meetings and being available for discussion on all local issues. I will continue to work closely with all state and federal members, as an independent, to seek funding opportunities and better outcomes for our ward. Job security is of utmost importance in these unprecedented times, so I will be strongly advocating for support of local business opportunities and investment. There is also a need for additional support services for our youth, homeless, seniors and family violence, which I will continue to strongly support.

Mobile: 0418 993 370

Cr Brett Owen in a portrait

Having spent my entire life living in Cardinia Shire, I am passionate about our community. As a serving police officer and a father of young children, I have an active interest in contributing to the community and ensuring that it is a great place to live and raise a family. 

My priorities include improving our local roads, community safety, access for all, support for environmental programs, improved recreational and playground facilities and funding for new paths.

I will continue to be an advocate for open and transparent local government and provide residents with a strong voice on Council. 

Mobile: 0402 420 398

Cr Collin Ross

I am a family man with 4 children and a mortgage, and have lived and worked in Pakenham for over 20 years. My main aim is to make rate increases affordable and meet the needs of the community.

My priorities are affordable rates, community safety, support the McGregor Rd crossing rebuild, reduce debt, improve bus services, increase employment, support services for youth and seniors, tough action on graffiti, maintain parks and gardens, improve internet/phone services.

I am an independent vote on issues before Council and will keep the promises I make.

Mobile: 0418 130 851

Cr Carol Ryan

I have lived in Pakenham since 1979, and I’m the mother of 3 adult children.

I had a working background over 40 years in mental health, disability and aged care, social work and case management.

My priories are advocating for a safer community; improving infrastructure; upgrading roads, footpaths and public transport options; providing more accessible services for mental health, drug and alcohol abuse; addressing the needs of our residents with a disability, our seniors and youth; keeping rates affordable; and encouraging new business which will generate employment opportunities.

Mobile: 0439 580 797

Cr Tammy Radford

I believe that the newly created Officer Ward will allow this part of Cardinia Shire to be properly represented on Council and strongly fought for. As your elected ward councillor, I will directly focus on the growing needs of this community and advocate for improvements.

I’m passionate about building strong, well connected communities that are diverse and inclusive. Supporting community organisations and volunteers to get events and activities back up and running again, in a COVID-safe way, will be a priority.

I will also advocate strongly for improvements in public transport services (with a focus on the public bus network, schedule, routes and connectivity), road and footpath infrastructure, mental health services (with a focus on teenagers and young adults), and better access to Maternal and Child Health services.

Other areas I’ll advocate for include improving community engagement and consultation, the timely delivery of the Officer Town Centre precinct development, supporting Officer Ward’s growth with appropriate and timely delivery of infrastructure, and protecting and preserving the rich history of Officer. I welcome your feedback, ideas and suggestions, so please feel free to contact me.

Mobile: 0427 383 810

Cr Jeff Springfield

I have been a councillor for Cardinia Shire’s Ranges Ward since 2016. I was elected to the position of Mayor for 2019–2020, 2021-2022 and Deputy Mayor for 2020–2021.

Within Council I currently sit on the Arts and Culture Reference Group, the Yellingbo Community Reference Group, the Mt Shamrock Environmental Review Committee and the South East Climate Change Alliance. I chair the board of Casey Cardinia Libraries and am also part of the Emerald Lake Park Advisory Group and the Cockatoo Roads Consultative Committee. Outside of Council, I have previously been president of the 97.1FM Mountain District Radio committee of management and president of Belgrave Traders Association.

In addition to local government and community-based work, much of my professional career has been spent in the music industry. After high school, I completed my Advanced Diploma of Music Performance at Box Hill TAFE, then worked as a performing artist and music teacher. Following that, I became a trained audio engineer and event manager; I was the entertainment and production manager for a large live music venue for many years.

I have a strong interest in environmental preservation and the efficient delivery of Council services to our communities. Waste and resource recovery is another area that I have a keen interest in, as well as the creation of jobs and industry in our outer suburbs.

Mobile: 0439 444 810

Cr Stephanie Davies

I am a mother of four, and work part time as a civil engineer. I have formal qualifications in environmental engineering and business management, and prior to joining Council volunteered in scouting, little athletics and the CFA. 

I became a Councilor in 2020, and have been since elected to Cardinia’s Audit and Risk Committee in 2021, and the National Growth Areas Alliance in 2022. I have previously worked on Council’s Access and Inclusion Committee and Safer Communities committee.

I consider the most important part of being a Councillor is providing genuine representation in the best interests of our residents, current and future. My approach is to listen and learn, to help you connect with Council services, and raise feedback and concerns on your behalf.

I take advocacy and representation opportunities seriously, and aim to foster collaborative connections between Council, other levels of government and the community. I take governance, accountability, and transparency obligations very seriously, and work to ensure that council finances, engagement, and operations is continually improving and best practice.

I welcome your feedback, and queries at any time.

Mobile: 0457 251 552

Cr Kaye Cameron

My family has a long history with Cardinia Shire.  My great-great-grandfather, JP Angus Cameron, was a councillor for many years for what was then Cranbourne Shire Council. This council covered a huge area which included Koo Wee Rup. In 1893, Yannathan and Lang Lang East also became part of Cranbourne Shire. The Cameron family settled on the property at Yannathan they named ‘Fassifern’ in the late 1800s and part of this property is still by owned by the family today.

I was born at Koo Wee Rup and have lived in Cardinia Shire for most of my life.  I was the first female police officer to be stationed at Pakenham in the tiny police station in Main Street. Living in Bayles at the time, I later moved to Beaconsfield for many years until work took me to north-east Victoria for several years.  I returned to live in Caldermeade, where I now live.  I was a founding member of the West Gippsland Quarter Horse Club, which is still running strong today with its home at Cannibal Creek Reserve.

Westernport Ward is quite unique in that it is mostly farmland, but also has townships including Cardinia, Bayles, and the rapidly growing townships of Lang Lang and Koo Wee Rup. Because of my strong links and knowledge of the area I am keen to see Westernport Ward grow and thrive.  I want to make sure this is done appropriately and with the community’s best interests at heart. I want the community to see that they are being heard and their needs and concerns are being dealt with in a timely, fair manner.

VEC website - 2020 election results