Councillor expenses

  • Councillors are entitled, under section 40 of the Local Government Act 2020, to seek reimbursement for expenses reasonably incurred in the performance of their duties. 
  • We support workplace equity, where all councillors are able to participate and perform in their role equally. As such, and in line with the Councillors Expense Policy, reimbursements may be sought for carer and childcare needs to ensure councillors can undertake their official duties as elected representatives.
  • We also support the professional development of councillors during their time in office, including an allowance for professional development as part of the Councillor Expense Policy.

Read the Councilor Expenses Policy

Under the Local Government Act 2020, the Victorian Independent Remuneration Tribunal is responsible for setting allowances for the Mayor, Deputy Mayor and Councillors.The Tribunal has classified each Council into one of four Council allowance categories, and Cardinia Shire Council has been classified as a Category 3 Council.

The Tribunal has determined to increase the values of base allowances by 2% with effect from 1 July 2023. A further 2% increase will be applied from 18 December 2023.

The allowances from 1 July 2023 are:

  • Mayor allowance $126,958 ($10,579 per month)
  • Deputy Mayor allowance $63,840 ($5,320 per month)
  • Councillor allowance $38,316 ($3,193 per month)

The Determination and Statement of Reasons, which contain the new allowance values are available on the Tribunal’s website

View annual Councillor expenses

  • Vehicles more than 4 cylinders: 93.414 cents per kilometre
  • Vehicles 4 cylinders and less: 88 cents per kilometre

These rates were provided by the ATO for 2024/25