Advertised planning permit applications
Conditions of use
Documents are published for the sole purpose of enabling consideration and review a part of a planning process under the Planning and Environment Act 1987.
These documents must not be used for any purpose which may breach any copyright or privacy laws.
Current Advertised Applications
Application number |
Description |
Address |
Date |
Variation of Restrictive Covenant R474577D |
10 Fairway Court, Pakenham |
27.08.24 |
Buildings and works for an outbuilding |
100 Gembrook-Tonimbuk Road Gembrook |
29.08.24 |
Buildings and works for an agricultural shed |
95 Bladens Road, Koo Wee Rup |
29.08.24 |
Subdivision of the land into four (4) lots, the Development of the land for four townhouses, and creation/ alteration to a Transport Road Zone 2. |
71 Princes Highway, Pakenham |
30.08.24 |
Use of the land for a Place of Worship and associated works (car park) |
28 Patterson Road Officer South |
30.08.24 |
Buildings and Works (Earthworks for a Hardstand and Shipping Containers) |
155 Railway Avenue, Tynong |
03.09.24 |
Extension of an existing dwelling |
5 St Georges Road, Beaconsfield Upper |
03.09.24 |
Use and development of the land for materials recycling |
14 Drovers Place, Pakenham |
03.09.24 |
Building and Works (Construction of Two Sheds) |
20 Funnell Road, Beaconsfield Upper |
06.09.24 |
Development of a dwelling |
58 Nar Nar Goon Road, Nar Nar Goon |
06.09.24 |
Subdivision of Land into Twenty-One (21) Lots and Creation of an Easement |
375 Rossiter Road, Koo Wee Rup |
06.09.24 |
Amendment to the Planning Permit pursuant to S72 of the Act to allow for the use of the land for materials recycling (plastics) |
2 Innovation Way, Pakenham |
10.09.24 |
Subdivision of the land into two (2) lots |
33 Nash Road, Bunyip |
12.09.24 | |
T240224 |
Extension to an existing dwelling or structure associated with a dwelling |
3 Emerald Close Emerald |
17.09.24 |
T220790-1 |
Buildings and works associated with the construction of a horse arena and buildings associated with agriculture (horse husbandry) |
65 Cameron Road, Heath Hill | 18.09.24 |
T230656 |
Use and development of the land for a dwelling, outbuilding, variation of restrictive covenant, removal of native and other vegetation |
20 Clematis Park Road Emerald | 20.09.24 |
T240026 | Use of Land for Domestic Animal Husbandry (10 Dogs) | 24 Whitstable Street, Lang Lang | 19.09.24 |
T240238 | Use of the land for restricted retail premises (art and craft supplies), buildings and works to construct a mezzanine floor and reduction in the provision of car parking spaces. |
20 Hill Street Pakenham |
17.9.24 |
Why we advertise?
Planning applications are advertised to adjoining owners or occupiers of the land and any other person, who may be materially affected by the granting of a permit .
How long do we advertise for?
We advertise each application for 14 days.
How may we notify people?
• Signs on the subject site.
• Letters mailed to adjoining owners and occupiers.
• Advertising the notice in the local newspaper.
How do I object or make a submission?
It is Council’s preference that all submissions are made online via the ePlanning Portal at Go to e-Planning.
Your submission can also be lodged in person at Council’s Civic Centre at 20 Siding Avenue, Officer, via email to, or via post to PO Box 7 Pakenham VIC 3810.
Council will formally acknowledge receipt of your submission.
Council will consider any submissions received prior to a decision being made. It is recommended that you lodge your submission no later than the date shown on the notice as Council can make a decision on the application any time after the conclusion of the notice period.