Have your say on Barker Road Reserve, Bayles Flora and Fauna Park and Windemere Boulevard play space designs
The Cardinia Shire community is invited to have their say on design concepts for Barker Road Reserve, Bayles Flora and Fauna Park and Windemere Boulevard.
Visit cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay for more information and to have your say on final design concepts.
Cardinia Shire Council is investing a total of $600,000 in new playgrounds and reserve upgrades this financial year.
Maintaining and expanding parks and green spaces is one of the key Council deliverables identified by the community when they were asked to help shape the Cardinia Shire Council Plan.
Following this final round of consultation, Council will finalise plans before public exhibition, with construction expected to commence in early 2022.
If you have any feedback or questions regarding these projects, please contact Cardinia Shire Council on 1300 787 624 or mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au.