Have your say: draft Social and Affordable Housing Strategy

Published: 25 October 2018

Cardinia Shire Council’s draft Social and Affordable Housing Strategy is currently on exhibition for public comment.

As one of the seven policy domains in  Cardinia Shire’s Liveability Plan 2017-29 developed in collaboration with the community, ‘housing’ is crucial to achieving the overarching goal of a ‘liveable, resilient community where the environment flourishes and residents are healthy, included and connected’.

Cardinia Shire Council Mayor Councillor Collin Ross said the draft strategy reflects the commitment to building a liveable community where residents have access to safe, affordable and secure housing.

“The draft strategy responds to recent legislative changes in The Planning and Environment Act 1987, identifies the social and affordable housing need in Cardinia Shire, and provides a framework to facilitate an increase in the supply of affordable housing and the diversity of dwelling types to respond to needs within our community.

“While Cardinia Shire has experienced housing growth, there remains a significant and growing number of residents who lack access to appropriate, secure and affordable housing.

“The draft strategy aims to ensure our shire includes diverse, high quality, sustainable and affordable housing that is responsive to the needs of a growing and diverse community,” Cr Ross said.

The draft strategy is on public exhibition until 5pm, Monday 19 November 2018.

For more information and to submit your feedback on the draft Social and Affordable Housing Strategy visit Council’s website at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay or call the Social and Community Planning team on 1300 787 624.

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