Community invited to provide feedback on draft policy to reduce gambling harm

Published: 2 April 2024

The community is invited to provide feedback on a draft document aimed at reducing gambling harm in the local community.

Input provided will help shape the final version of Cardinia Shire Council’s Gambling Harm Prevention and Minimisation Policy. This revised policy will replace the existing Responsible Gaming Policy.

The community is invited to view the policy and provide feedback via an online survey on Council’s Creating Cardinia website ( The feedback period opens on Tuesday 2 April 2024 and closes on Tuesday 30 April. Feedback on the draft policy can also be made via letter or email.

Reducing harm from gambling is a legislative responsibility of Council and is a key objective in Cardinia Shire’s Liveability Plan 2017-29 ( The review of the Responsible Gaming Policy has been driven by recent regulatory reforms and significant changes in the community’s demographics and aspirations.

The draft policy has been informed by a background paper and initial key stakeholder consultation. It outlines Council’s roles and responsibilities in minimising and preventing the health, social and economic harms associated with gambling in our community.  

This is the final stage of community consultation on the revised policy. It follows 2 previous stages that took place via the Community Household Liveability Survey in mid-2023, as well as engagement in late-2023 with key stakeholders from electronic gaming venues and in the health and social services sectors. 

Once community feedback on the draft policy is considered, the final version of the Gambling Harm Prevention and Minimisation Policy will be produced. The revised policy will take effect when it is adopted by Council at a Council Meeting later this year.

Online survey participants can stay up to date on the progress of this policy review by visiting the consultation web page on ‘Creating Cardinia’ and clicking the yellow ‘+ Follow’ button at the top of the page.   

According to a report from the Victorian Commission for Gambling and Liquor Regulation, over $35 million was lost to Electronic Gaming Machines (EGMs) in Cardinia Shire in 2022-23 – an average loss of $96,005 per day, or $365 per adult resident in Cardinia Shire.

Studies show that gambling losses usually impact those who can least afford them, including those who are unemployed, on lower incomes, or with fewer qualifications. This is supported by statistics that show that the most disadvantaged communities incur the greatest financial losses due to poker machine gaming.

If you or someone you know is impacted by gambling harm, contact Gamblers Help Southern for a free and confidential chat on 9575 5353 or visit

Provide feedback on Cardinia Shire Council’s draft Gambling Harm Prevention and Minimisation Policy

Online: Complete the survey about responsible gambling and reducing gambling harm at

You can also send a written submission by email to or by post to:

Responsible Gaming Policy review
Cardinia Shire Council
Pakenham VIC 3810

This community consultation closes on Tuesday 30 April 2024.

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