Have your say about the Garfield Recreation Reserve Skate Park: landscape improvement project
Cardinia Shire Council invites the community to provide their input to help shape the development of the Garfield Skate Park landscape improvement project.
The area surrounding the Garfield Skate Park will see improvements made as part of Cardinia Shire Council’s 2022 to 2023 capital works program.
Dependent on the community’s preferences, this project may include new infrastructure such as seating, a shelter, bins, and improved pathways.
Cardinia Shire Council Mayor, Councillor Tammy Radford encourages community members to give their feedback.
“By improving the area surrounding the Garfield Skate Park, we hope to see an increase in the use and enjoyment of this facility. This supports the wellbeing of our community and local park users, visitors to the skate park, and the sporting groups who use the recreation reserve and facilities.
“We want to hear from community members about your thoughts on the concept design, proposed landscaping and park furniture.”
Bunyip Ward Councillor Graeme Moore, said the community’s input would help ensure the project to improve the area surrounding the Garfield Skate Park reflects community needs, wants and expectations.
“There will be pop ups in the Garfield Skate Park to capture user experience perspectives. We’re committed to listening to our community and working together to make our shire an even better place to live, work and play,” said Councillor Moore.
Community members can provide input and feedback in several ways:
- Online engagement platform - from 3 April until 23 April 2023 - www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay
- In person - At our Civic Centre: 20 Siding Avenue, Officer
- By email - mail@cardinia.vic.gov.au
- By post - PO Box 7, Pakenham VIC 3810
- Drop In Session
Tuesday 11 April 3.15pm – 4.15pm
Garfield Skate Park
Cnr Beswick St and Fourteen Mile Rd, Garfield
Feedback closes 5pm, Sunday 23 April 2023
For more information visit council’s Creating Cardinia online engagement platform at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay