Have your say: exterior design - PB Ronald Reserve public toilets
Cardinia Shire Council is seeking feedback on the exterior façade design of new public toilets at PB Ronald Reserve, Pakenham.
As part of the PB Ronald Reserve Masterplan council will replace the existing amenities.
The new amenities will include two, gender neutral accessible cubicles.
Community members are invited to provide feedback on options for the toilets’ exterior design.
Cardinia Shire’s Henty Ward Councillor, Cr Carol Ryan, said the façade options have been selected to complement the surrounding environment.
“The new toilets will be a great facility for locals and visitors alike. It will bring the toilets up to current standards, and we’ll also include an accessible path of travel to the toilets from the existing car park.
“We’re seeking community feedback on exterior design of the toilets before plans are finalised and construction starts,” she said.
The new toilets will be delivered by Council and funded by the Victorian Government’s Growing Suburbs Fund.
Feedback closes 5PM, Friday 17 February, 2023.
For more information visit council’s Creating Cardinia online engagement platform at www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/haveyoursay