Before you burn off ...

The Fire Danger Period has ended in Cardinia Shire. Before you burn off, please ensure that you meet all the conditions and have registered your burn off beforehand. Click here to follow the steps to ensure a safe and legal burn off >

Indigenous plant guide

This directory has information on plants that are local to the Cardinia Shire area. By planting plants that are indigenous to our shire, you can help build a healthier ecosystem and support our wildlife.  

Find out what zone you're in below to see which plants are best suited to your area, or search for a specific plant.

Check what zone you are in

Browse plants by zone

List of indigenous plants, by zone
Zone Towns

Zone 1 - Tall wet forest

Emerald, Gembrook, Avonsleigh, Clematis, Nangana, Mount Burnett, Menzies Creek

Zone 2 - Damp forest

Beaconsfield Upper, Pakenham Upper, Dewhurst, Guys Hill

Zone 3 - Woodland

Pakenham, Nar Nar Goon, Officer, Beaconsfield

Zone 4 - Heathy woodland complex

Maryknoll, Nar Nar Goon North, Tynong North, Bunyip North, Garfield North, Tonimbuk, Tynong, Garfield, Bunyip (north of the railway line)

Zone 5 - Swampy grassland

Officer South, Cardinia, Dalmore, Rythdale, Pakenham South, Koo Wee Rup, Cora Lynn, Modella, Bayles, Longwarry, Vervale, Iona, Bunyip, Tynong, Garfield, Catani, Yannathan, Monomeith, Caldermeade, Tooradin

Zone 6 - Heathland

Lang Lang, Lang Lang East, Heath Hill, Nyora

Zone 7 - Coastal

Caldermeade, Koo Wee Rup, Lang Lang within 500m of the ocean

Indigenous plant nurseries

Nurseries that sell indigenous plants will help you with the right plant selection for your property in the Shire.

List of local indigenous plant nurseries