Emerald’s Neighbourhood Safer Place – Bushfire Place of Last Resort is moving to Worrell Reserve
Emerald’s Neighbourhood Safer Place, a Bushfire Place of Last Resort, is set to be relocated from Pepi’s Land to Worrell Reserve later this month.
Designated as a place of last resort for the community during a bushfire, a Neighbourhood Safer Place is a clearing that provides separation from bushfire hazards if all other fire plans have failed.
Neighbourhood Safer Places are not a substitute for leaving early or staying and defending a property during an emergency.
The carpark and netball court area at Pepi’s Land in Emerald was declared an alternative safe place in 2018, while oval improvement and upgrade works were carried out at Worrell Reserve. Residents who intended to use Pepi’s Land as a safer place of last resort during a bushfire are encouraged to review their bushfire plan.
Worrell Reserve is located close to the Emerald CFA Fire Station in the centre of Emerald.
Cardinia Shire’s Neighbourhood Safer Places for the 2023-24 Fire Danger Period will include:
- Cockatoo Community Centre, Cockatoo
- Gembrook Community Centre, Gembrook
- Worrell Reserve, Emerald
For more information, visit www.cardinia.vic.gov.au/nsp or contact Council’s Emergency Management Team on 1300 787 624. Further information about Neighbourhood Safer Places can also be found at www.cfa.vic.gov.au